This is Lenman

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

NYE Resolutions

1. Find an alternate route onto the pillows on the bed, without having to stick my bum in someones head, or put my claws in their lips/neck, as apparently people don't like that and I get banned for the night.

2. Make love to rug whilst everyone is back at work. They were so cramping my style hanging around the house all day in their Holidays.

3. Instill "the year of eating at the table" eating off the ground is sooo last year.

4. Stop crapping on the tiles

5. Find the 1000 mousies that have mysteriously disappeared into a black hole, under the fridge? behind the TV? i dont know where they are, its an X-File.

6. Stop Singing "there aint no cats on the radio" by the Scissor Sisters, as apparently they aren't the real words, and its getting on peoples nerves.

7. Pee in the New Plant that is getting all the attention in the Kitchen.

8. Ruin the New Bedspread

9. Get rid of this hairball once and for all. preferrably at 3am so someone has to get up and give me attention.

10. Get Laid


  • Emma and I are on a search thru the apartment to find all the missing mousies as well. But in the case we can't locate more than one or two, I think it's off to the store I go to get more. She has to have her mousies.. and who am I to deny her?

    <$I18NByCommentAhrefuthor$>, At 6:44 AM  

  • Your purrrfect Lenman!

    <$I18NByCommentAhrefuthor$>, At 5:06 PM  

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